Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Ferris Bueller's Revenge

Interview with Ferris Bueller's Revenge

February 17, 2016

Describe your band, telling a little about it.  Ferris Bueller's Revenge is The Ultimate 80's Party Band!  We play all upbeat covers and not one slow song to keep everybody dancing all night long.  If you have a favorite BIG 80's song, we play it!

What are your names? / Who plays what? Shawn Maudhuit (Vocals and Guitar), Crissy Tripp (Vocals), Tom Polisano (Lead Guitar), Will Irvine (Keyboards) Rick Cerra (Vocals and Bass), Lee Bierer (Drums) 

Have members played with any other bands? We all have. The list itself is it's own article!

Do you write your own music or perform covers? Has it always been this way? All covers and yes, it has always been this way.

What year did the band form? 2000

Where is bands home?  We practice in West Deer Township, PA.

What's your style of genre?  We are dedicated to the 80's, but also throw some newer hits in.

How often do you rehearse?  We rehearse a few times a year.  Usually in January to learn some new material, or to revisit songs that we're already playing.  We play enough that we don't need to rehearse often.

Do you utilize a booking agency, and what are your thoughts around that?  We do not use a booking agency.  We prefer to do all our own booking but not opposed to a booking agency if they offer us something that's pretty amazing.

What are the least and most people to attend one of your gigs?  We always do pretty well attendance wise and appreciate everybody who comes out to see us. It's not a party without the people.

What ages are most of your concert attendants?  It varies from 21 and up.  Age doesn't matter when you want to come out and have a good time.  It seems everybody can relate to the 80's!

Do you always play the same songs live, or do you vary?  We stick to the most popular ones like Jessie's Girl, Whip It, Walking On Sunshine, ect. or people riot ;).  We do however change it up a bit and throw some surprises in.

Do you have a regular place you play live often?  We play regularly at Jergel's Rhythm Grille, The Baja Bar & Grill, Peter B's, and outdoor festivals during the Summer.  We will also play newer venues to us like The Linden Grove and The Crafthouse Stage & Grill this year. We love everywhere that we play.

What was your first gig like?  Our first gig was a lot of work to get there but very fun.

Have you had to cancel a gig?  Very rarely but yes.  When the flu hits you're not in much shape to perform.

Where do you plan to gig the coming year? We have upcoming shows at Jergel's Rhythm Grille March 12th, Loughlin's Pub March 19th, The Baja Bar & Grill April 9th, and Peter B's April 23rd.  For a complete list of upcoming shows visit our website at 

Where can people buy your merchandise?  For merchandise we have an online store that you can visit if you go to our website at  

What do you think about people downloading music instead of buying records now a days?Downloading legally?  I think it's great that you can buy a song anytime you want from anywhere.  Downloading illegally? Not cool. 

What advice would you give other bands or artists?  The best advice we could give is that if you form a cover tune band, play songs that people know and want to dance to.  Practice them over and over again and put on a great show.  Acknowledge that your audience is there instead of looking down at your instrument all night.  Limit your talking during your performance also.  People want to hear the music, not somebody trying to be a comedian. When the show is over, it's all worth it.

How do you get psyched for a gig?  Just knowing that you're going to get on that stage and perform is a natural high and exciting.

What are your web sites? 

How can people reach you? or you can inbox us on our Facebook page,

Social media addresses?

What are your plans for the future?  Our plans for the future is to continue to keep The Ultimate 80's Party Band going as long as we can.  We love doing it as long as our fans will keep on coming back!

What is one thing even your biggest fans don't know about the band? I would have to say how close the band is. It's a big family. Plus we're all really sarcastic and you can see us joking around with one another on stage throughout the show.

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