Wednesday, February 24, 2016


Interview with The DiML!TE

February 24, 2016

Describe your band, telling a little about it. We are a groove metal band or new metal.  We are a very high energy band.  We, also, are 4 best friends in a band together.

What are your names? / Who plays what? 
Keith Patrick- Lead Vocals
Ron Opey Patrick- Guitar and Backup Vocals
Ron Ford- Bass
Josh Kushner- Drums

Do you write your own music or perform covers?  Has it always been this way?  
We only do original music.  Number one rule in the band room NO COVERS.  Playing covers are for bands that play in bars every weekend. And that's just not us.  People come out to see us and to hear our original music.  And we wouldn't want it any other way.

What year did the band form?  
Beginning in the year 1997.  Originally Ron Opey Patrick played drums.  Josh Kushner played the guitar.  They did that for a couple weeks, and then they switched  instruments.  It's been that way ever since.  Kush has always had drums.  Ever since grade school he had a drum set.  We played that way for a while without a bass player.  Then, we asked Kyle Exley to play bass.  He looked at us and said my brothers got a bass.  He ran all the way home and grabbed his brothers bass.  That was the original DiML!TE.  Unfortunately Kyle Exley passed away, and when he died we thought we would never play again.  Many years passed and none of us played anymore.  Until one day Keith Patrick started putting the band room back together.  We slowly started getting back together and playing again.  There was just one thing missing, Kyle was gone.  Could the band ever be the same again?  With a lot of work yes, but we needed a bass player, very talented like Kyle. Luckily, we got Ron Ford to  play bass. He originally was a guitar player, but he started playing bass. Perfect match for the band.  He's got a lot of talent, drive and motivation.  That's why he works out so well.  We knew we could NEVER replace Kyle, but we could make him very proud of us.  And I know he is!  He would want DiML!TE to continue. 
Where is bands home?  Weirton, WV

What's your style or genre?  
Groove metal or new metal

How often do you rehearse? 
A couple days a week

What gear do you guys use?  What's different for our lead singer compared to other bands, is he runs his own vocal effects live on stage while he performs.  He uses a loop station for sampling and backup vocals for himself.

Do you utilize a booking agency, and what are your thoughts around that?  
No, but we're open to the idea.

Are you looking for a label, and what are your thoughts around that?  I would think any band would say they're looking for a label or record deal.  But these days most bands make more money by doing things themselves.  But yes, if someone approached us, we would definitely look into it.

What are your songs about?  Here's some of them.  Song "Banks" is about banks being closed on Sunday.  At the time it was written Keith refused to get a debit card.  The chorus goes. "Why are banks closed on Sunday, I don't want to wait till Monday".  It's pretty funny now.  But that's how that song started. 

Song "Fake", the song title says it all.  That's a songs about someone that you think is your friend.  But deep down isn't.  Narks, backstabbers, fake people.

Song "Who Knows" is about you never know what people are thinking.  Someone could be standing right next to you and have the most bad intentions.  Who knows what you'll find in the back of their mind.

There's a lot of songs to list. A lot of our other songs are about partying, the struggles in life, making your own path, having a good time, anger, depression, being burnt out, and losing loved ones.  I could go on and on, but you get the idea.

Who does the composing and Write your lyrics?  Every single person in the band writes the music.  Keith writes the lyrics.  Anytime he has a mental block his brother Opey writes lyrics too.  There's been many times when they will sit down together and write Lyrics.

Do you start with the music or the lyrics?  We start with the music first, and then Keith will add lip words that fits well.  And then later go back and write the lyrics.

Do you compose in a certain enviroment?  
In the basement is where the studio is.  We are very spoiled with our sound room.  We have a 24  15 inch speakers with horns and tweeters pumping out of the PA system.

Do you always play the same songs live, or do you vary?  Vary

Do you have a regular place you play live often?  The Altar Bar Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

What was your latest gig?  December 2015 we opened up for Islander at the Altar Bar.

Where do you plan to gig the coming year? The Altar Bar Pittsburgh, the Rex Theater Pittsburgh, Mr Smalls Pittsburgh, The Smiling Moose Pittsburgh, Wells Township Haunted House Ohio, and a couple local shows.

When did you start to sell merchandise, and what do you have for sale?  We are in the process of getting t-shirts right now.

What have been your biggest obstacles? Believing in ourselves. But that's not a problem anymore.  So many fans, Family, friends have been supporting us.  They all believe in us and now so do we.

What advice would you give other bands or artists? Practice, practice, practice. Don't go out and play until you're ready.

Do you have any new material? 
Yes.  Too much

What are your web sites?

How can people reach you?

Social media addresses?

What are your plans for the future?  Back to the recording studio and more merchandise. A full length CD with 15 songs. And, of course, playing out more.

Do you have anything to add?  Thanks for everything, we highly appreciate it.

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