Tuesday, February 16, 2016


Interview with Frontroom

February 16, 2016

Describe your band, telling a little about it.
Frontroom is a groundbreaking acoustic band that has labeled their sound "Acid Grass". A fusion of classic rock, blue grass, blues, and country.  

What are your names? / Who plays what?
Tammy Chase on vocals/piano/ blues harp. Wayde Chase on vocals/guitar/mandolin/blues harp. James Lancaster on vocals/lead guitar/banjo/percussion. John Gerrard on percussion. And Eric Holsinger on vocals/guitar. 

Have members played with any other bands?
Our members are veterans of the music scene, with just a few of the bands they have performed with being; Mongo Huey, Fallen Awake, Drifting Hoopies, to name a few. 

Do you write your own music or perform covers? Has it always been this way?  We write much of our music and mix that with a few covers. We play songs we love, and try to write songs that can fit. 

Where is bands home?  Follansbee, WV

What's your style of genre?  Acid Grass.  A mix of acoustic soft rock and country with blue grass tossed in. If Neil Young and Jimi Hendrix had a baby in the Deep South it would be named Frontroom.  Lol 

What inspires your music?  We inspire each other. At practice we start just by jamming. And we always end up inspired by someone's ability. We never get tired of hearing each other play or sing. 

How often do you rehearse?  Once or twice a week

What gear do you guys use?  We use a wide range of gear as we all play multiple instruments. 

Do you utilize a booking agency, and what are your thoughts around that?  We do not use a booking agency, but if the right opportunity came around we would think about it. 

Are you looking for a label, and what are your thoughts around that?  We would sign with a label if it felt right to all of us. We are all for one, one for all. 

What are your songs about?  Our songs are about life, love, heart break, and moonshine.  

Who does the composing and writes the lyrics?
Everybody writes in this band. We all help mold the songs, but we all contribute. 

Do you start with the music or lyrics?  We each have our own style. I start with a story then create a song around that. 

What are the least and most people to attend one of your gigs?  We have played for few people and have played for over a thousand. We connect with our crowd no matter what the number. 

What ages are most of your concert attendants?  We are seeing our fan base getting younger which is a pleasent surprise. Because we are creating a new genre we are seeing a rapid word of mouth happening. We love seeing all the age groups coming together. 

Do you always play the same songs live, or do you vary?  We mix our sets up all the time. And we like to go off script and pull a song out for the challenge.

What was your first gig like?   I can only speak of our first gig since I (Jimi) joined.  But it was magic. When we hit that 4 part harmony on one of our trademark songs and I saw everybody in the crowd drop their jaw, yea that was special. 

What was your latest gig?   Just played the Bull Pen in Avella PA. Very nice place. 

Have you had to cancel a gig?  Yes. Once in all the years this band has played. A family members parent had a medical emergency as we were setting up for a show. 

Where have you played live this year?  We play live all over the Ohio Valley

Where do you plan to gig the coming year?
Everywhere and anywhere. Hell if your having a bonfire Tomorow call us up, we will negotiate s price. Lol

When did you start to sell merchandise, and what do you have for sale?  We have T Shirts but we are holding back on that. We are waiting for one of our founding members to get healthy and get back in the swing of things with us. Then we will start selling our merch.  

What do you think about people downloading music instead of buying records now a days?  It's the way of the biz these days. Only way to make it up is by concerts.  

How do you think the music industry have changed because of this?  Price of concerts have had to be increased. 

Do you have any role models or idols?  We all do I'm sure. Mine ( Jimi) is Buddy Holly, Johnny Cash, Stevie Ray Vaughn.   The others will have to chime in with their idols. 

Is it easier to find inspiration from older bands, or bands that are more active today?  We find inspiration from all bands. We don't paint ourselves in a corner by shunning bands due to age or style. Maybe that's why we created a new genre. It accepts all influences.  

What have been your biggest obstacles?  Our dear friend and founding member Eric is battling liver disease. He is a fighter, and he needs a new liver. His health has made it a challenge for us to keep our consistency. But for him we keep playing. I (Jimi) switched from percussion to guitar and we added John to fill the gap that left. Wayde and Tammy had to re-learn vocal parts to fit 3 part harmony instead of 4. In the end we have become tighter, and on the day Eric is back for good we are going to have one hell of a party. 

What advice would you give other bands or artists?  Never quit, but never stay with a group that doesn't feel right. If you look hard you can find musicians that you can relate with. Then go make the magic.  

How do you get psyched for a gig?  I get super pumped, the others sometimes have to calm me down. My fiancĂ© really helps get me calm God bless her. But to me it's like taking the field for a big game. It's freaking addictive. Then a shot of Apple Crown and we are off!!!  

Do you have any new material?  Always writing new stuff. Just have to come out and see. 

What are your web sites? www.facebook.com/frontroomband

How can people reach you?  facebook or come to a show. We love meeting new people. 

What are your plans for the future?  We are looking to record a new Album very soon. We would also love to go on tour. 

What is one thing even your biggest fans don't know about the band?  We play practical jokes on each other non stop. On one occasion Wayde and Tammy painted little blood drops on a cherub they had in their home where we practice. With startled faces they looked at it and drew Eric's attention to it. He ran faster than Jesse Owens out of their house.  Lmao.  

Do you have something to add?  Thank you for the time you took to interview us. Folks support local music. Not just so we can put gas in our band Van, but because a living breathing music scene adds culture to your community. And you can be a part of that. Thank you. 

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